Rebekah went to Norfolk, Virginia, this past weekend for her friend
Andrew's fourth birthday party. Here is Andrew blowing out his candles after everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to him:
Cake was served to all and, as you can see, Rebekah did not want to share.

Andrew's birthday party was held at the Norfolk Botanical
Garden, where an instructor led the children on a nature tour. Each child decorated a cup and then planted a seed to take home.

Rebekah was too shy to get a seed so here she is showing off her cup of seedless dirt:

At the end of the party, everyone played in the splash area of the park:

Rebekah didn't get her fill of water fun at the birthday party so she also headed to Ocean View Beach.

She and Andrew had a lot of fun splashing at the shore. They were very cautious not to venture out too far...

..and ran away when the water got too close.

Rebekah loved her time in Norfolk and will be sure to visit again soon.