After experiencing some agonizing sponge baths, we were sure that moving Rebekah on to the next level - The Real Bath - would haunt all of us for the rest of our lives. We were astonished to discover that, not only did Rebekah not mind the bath, but she seemed to almost fall asleep in there.
Maybe soaking in that warm water made her feel like she was back home again.

Afterwards, Rebekah maxed and relaxed in her hooded towel.
Morris and Rebekah have the same bath tub! We also were pleased to find out how much nicer The Real Bath is compared to the sponge bath. I hope that means you have a cord stump lying around your house somewhere.
Brian - you are allowing us to share in Rebekah's life through your blog. Many thanks and lots of love.
Great Grampy and Nanny Wambolt
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